Pizza By Cer Té is about a block away from my doctor’s office. So while I don’t like having occasion to visit my GP, I do like the consolation prize of a pizza lunch here. On Friday I arrived late at Pizza By Cer Té and the selection was limited so I was forced to finally try the Margherita pizza. I generally avoid “Margherita” pizza at New York–style pizzerias, since a typical slice joint rarely does them justice. But PBCT’s Margherita slice this day was palatable. It was quite good, and the cheese was still a bit creamy rather than rubbery and tough as is usually the case.

The Italian Wedding slice, well, I don’t have any reservations about that bad boy. It’s a reliably good option at Pizza By (as I’ve noted before), and they always seem to have it in one form or another, whether that’s round pies or squares. With its hardy toppings, it’s a good complement to the Margherita slice if you’re looking for a lunch to fill you up.
This place is a great slice option in Midtown, and one that I often forget about. Though, lately, I think PBCT has moved closer to the forefront of my pizza-addled brain.
Pizza By Cer Té
132 East 56th Street, New York NY (b/n Park and Lexington), 212-813-2020