Official White House Flickr

P042909CK-0021, originally uploaded by The Official White House Photostream. From a Flickr commenter: I really appreciate the behind-the-scenes pictures. We hardly ever see photos of the White House staffers who keep things going – the butlers, secretaries, floor-polishers. Work is dignified and everybody who does work has dignity. Publishing these photos means the White House … Continue reading Official White House Flickr

My new restaurant-in-restaurant concepts


Restaurateur and Top Chef judge Tom Colicchio has introduced several new gimmicks at Craft in recent months. First, in November 2008, it was Tom Tuesday Dinners, in which, as one wag pointed out, (and I’m paraphrasing) “It’s gotten to the point that it’s news when a chef actually cooks at his own restaurant now.” In January, he announced Damon: Frugal Friday, partnering with his executive chef, Damon Wise, in offering an all-$10 menu. The latest bit to come down the pike (in early February) is Halfsteak, which Ed Levine pronounced “half good” on Serious Eats New York (Tom Colicchio’s Halfsteak Is Half Good).

Now that Colicchio has set the precedent and I’ve set the stage for you, I am pleased to announce my own clandestine restaurant concepts (I’m also capitalizing on the “secret dining” trend). Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… Continue reading “My new restaurant-in-restaurant concepts”

Chia Obama Now Shipping

Looks like the Chia Obama Chia Pets are shipping. I received an email this morning from that mine had gone out. Not more than an hour later, UPS showed up with my Determined Pose Chia Obama. It’s blurry, but the gold band in the second photo here says “Full growth in 1 to 2 … Continue reading Chia Obama Now Shipping

On Seeing ‘MacBeth’ with Patrick Stewart

The production was pretty cool. With video projections and what not. The militaristic set—I think the Times described it as “equal parts abbatoir, hospital, and dungeon”—reminded me a lot of the Stargate planet Kelowna and the Stargate Atlantis civilization of the Genai—both militaristic people using technology and design reminiscent of the ’40s. Everything happened on … Continue reading On Seeing ‘MacBeth’ with Patrick Stewart

Bands from Milwaukee

While in Milwaukee this weekend, C. and I somehow got on the subject of Milwaukee bands—and how we couldn’t think of any. I just hit up the Wikipedia Musical Groups from Wisconsin list. Here are the ones from Milwaukee that I’d heard of prior to scanning that list: The BoDeans: Officially from Waukesha, but played … Continue reading Bands from Milwaukee


I can relate all too well with this tweet by Jason Kottke. Being first is always nice, but it is equally nice to get some sleep, to actually go out and do things IRL, and to not worry about ephemeral crap that no one will care about 24 hours from now—or indeed two hours from … Continue reading F1rst!

The original New York Media Bowling League


I just saw blog impresario Lockhart Steele tweet about the New York All Media Bowling League. Seems like it’s back on after a long hiatus.

But I would like to point your attention to the original New York Media Bowling League, aka NYMBL (pronounced nimble).

I’ve stupidly failed to keep archives of all my site designs, but above is a screenshot from of a May 2002 iteration of what once served as my personal site.

The original NYMBL predated the All Media Bowling League by a good four years. At the height of its powers, NYMBL boasted six member teams—Martha Stewart Living, Jane magazine (RIP), Bon Appétit, Blender, Us Weekly, and YM (RIP). Continue reading “The original New York Media Bowling League”