Adrienne’s Pizza Bar — or is it Pizzabar? I don’t know. Regardless, it’s making one of the best grandma/nonna pizzas in NYC today. Of course at Adrienne’s, they call it the “old fashioned.” Whatever. All you need to call it is DELICIOUS. I don’t get to Adrienne’s often enough, because it’s a bit much to … Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: Adrienne’s Pizza Bar
My #weeklypizzalunch/#Kubslunch this week was with my friend and former MSLO colleague Jennifer Jarett at Marta, Danny Meyer’s new Roman-style pizzeria in the “NoMad” neighborhood’s Martha Washington Hotel. The mushroom pizza here is OFF THE HOOK — if people still say that (I don’t think they do). I’d almost consider adding chanterelles to my own … Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: Marta
I’ve probably eaten slices from Rose & Joe’s more than from anywhere else, and I can say from considerable experience that an edge (but not a corner), on a plate, no reheat is the way to go. It loses something in the reheat, and in fact is best somewhere between warm and not-straight-out-of-the-oven hot. I … Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: Rose & Joe’s Italian Bakery
[via Instagram] Tufino is one of the few places in NYC making naturally leavened wood-fired pizza. I love Tufino, but I’m also a bit jealous. For years I’ve been saying that Astoria could use a good wood-oven joint. I’d even secretly thought of opening one myself. But, well, look what happens when you don’t act … Continue reading #weeklypizzalunch: The Nonna at Tufino in Astoria
[via Instagram] Ate here with one of my longest longtime friends, the artist Justin Baldwin. This place is a Roman-style pizza joint. They have a connection to Gabriele Bonci (of Rome’s famed Pizzarium)—either they’re friends with him or studied under him or what not. Good stuff. This place replaced a branch of No. 28’s Roman … Continue reading Pizza Lunch: My Pie Pizzeria
The “upside-down” slice at NY Pizza Suprema is not to be missed. So called because the cheese goes on before the sauce, it is a slice whose crust is light and crisp. The sauce is thick, rich and savory-sweet, and the mozzarella practically melds with the dough, giving it a unique texture. Continue reading Pizza Lunch: The ‘upside-down’ slice at NY Pizza Suprema
I ate at Rossopomodoro at Eataly on Wednesday with Sharon and Alisha Aridiana. Sharon is the chef-owner of Gialina and Ragazza in SF, and Alisha is Sharon’s wife and the one who set up the lunch meet-up while they were on a pizza recon mission in NYC. I can’t even tell you what’s on these pies, because the thing I remember most about that lunch is just how genuinely nice those two were. Meeting them was a highlight of my summer. I hope to see them in SF next time I visit my in-laws with my wife and daughter. Continue reading Pizza Lunch: Rossopomodoro at Eataly
Lunch today was a small “Medicine Wheel” pie, which is just a hippied-out name for “plain pie” or “cheese pizza”—ie, sauce and cheese. It tasted like what I imagine a chain pizza cooked in a wood-fired oven and made with good ingredients would. That’s because there was ample, gooey cheese on this thing but mostly because the crust was a little doughy, softer than what a typical New York–style pizza would be, even though visually it’s somewhere in the neighborhood of a New York–style pizza—or maybe a New Haven pie. The minor squishiness was not a deal-killer, though—my pizza had good flavor, thanks in part to just a bit of charring and from the generous shake of marjoram sprinkled on—a slight though welcome flippathascript. Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: American Flatbread TriBeCa Hearth
Given how close my office is to Don Antonio by Starita (a five-minute walk), I don’t know why I don’t eat here more often. The pizza is great. Like Kesté, its sister pizzeria in Greenwich Village, this place is über Neapolitan. (Though I will say that the topping choices are a lot more expansive than … Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: The Pistacchio e Salsiccia pie at Don Antonio by Starita
I’m combining two Weekly Pizza Lunch outings into one here. That’s because they’re practically the same place. —The Mgmt.
Vezzo’s Meatball Classic pizza: tomato sauce, mozzarella, house-made meatballs, red onion, and basil. Pictured: small, $9.
There’s a pizzeria mini chain in the heart of Manhattan that I think doesn’t get enough attention or praise.* Part of the blame may lie in its unusual naming convention. I mean, did you know that the pizzerias Gruppo, Posto, Spunto, Vezzo, and Tappo are all related and are pretty much the same thing? I know! You’d think they would have settled on one name and stuck with it. (Think of the efficiencies gained by maintaining one single website!)
Nicoletta’s Calabrese pizza, here in the personal-size lunch special, is topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella, thick-cut pepperoni, fennel sausage, and red onions.
I’ve been thinking a lot about bar pies since last week’s pizza lunch. Bar pizza, and its close cousin, Chicago thin crust,* to me are primally satisfying pizzas. Despite the thin base, these styles are often LOADED with cheese and toppings. Now, that kind of imbalance would typically raise alarm bells for my elevated pizza snob persona, but go and tell me what’s wrong with a bunch of gooey cheese and salty, greasy pepperoni or sausage.
That’s why I wanted to try Nicoletta again. Chef-owner Michael White is originally from Wisconsin, where he first started working in a pizzeria serving quintessentially Midwestern-style pizza.
*Note: I often use the terms “Chicago thin-crust” and “Midwestern thin-crust” interchangeably. Chicago thin-crust is easily more recognizable as a style, but I feel that this type of pizza is served all over the Upper Midwest, not just the Windy City.Continue reading “Weekly Pizza Lunch: The Calabrese pie at Nicoletta”
Totonno’s serves one of the better coal-oven pizzas in NYC. A plain pizza from just after the joint’s triumphant post-Sandy reopening.
You know, you’re not going to go wrong adding toppings to a Totonno’s pizza, but when the joint is firing on all cylinders, like it was when I visited yesterday, you only need a plain pie for a satisfying meal.
Dough is 60% hydration. Flour, yeast, salt, water.
I made this pizza tonight largely as an excuse to keep seasoning my Detroit-style pans. Also, I wanted to try a more faithful rendition of the genre.
This is a 60% hydration dough. The pans’ instructions say to use a relatively dry dough for the first couple of pizzas, as anything above 65% will have a tendency to stick. Continue reading “Detroit-style pizza, 60% hydration”
Topped with Vermont Smoke & Cure smoked pepperoni.
I made pan pizza last weekend but wasn’t happy with the thickness. I thought it was too spongey, too doughy, too much. What would happen if I halved the dough amount?
Well, even at 1/2- to 3/4-inch thick (as opposed to more than an inch), I’m still not that into it. Don’t get me wrong, the recipe I used makes a great-tasting pizza and is successful in its mission of re-creating Pizza Hut pan pizza. It’s just that I’m still unsure it’s a style I’m wild about. Continue reading “Thinner-crust pan pizza”