Adrienne’s Pizza Bar — or is it Pizzabar? I don’t know. Regardless, it’s making one of the best grandma/nonna pizzas in NYC today. Of course at Adrienne’s, they call it the “old fashioned.” Whatever. All you need to call it is DELICIOUS. I don’t get to Adrienne’s often enough, because it’s a bit much to … Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: Adrienne’s Pizza Bar
My #weeklypizzalunch/#Kubslunch this week was with my friend and former MSLO colleague Jennifer Jarett at Marta, Danny Meyer’s new Roman-style pizzeria in the “NoMad” neighborhood’s Martha Washington Hotel. The mushroom pizza here is OFF THE HOOK — if people still say that (I don’t think they do). I’d almost consider adding chanterelles to my own … Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: Marta
Given how close my office is to Don Antonio by Starita (a five-minute walk), I don’t know why I don’t eat here more often. The pizza is great. Like Kesté, its sister pizzeria in Greenwich Village, this place is über Neapolitan. (Though I will say that the topping choices are a lot more expansive than … Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: The Pistacchio e Salsiccia pie at Don Antonio by Starita
I’m combining two Weekly Pizza Lunch outings into one here. That’s because they’re practically the same place. —The Mgmt.
Vezzo’s Meatball Classic pizza: tomato sauce, mozzarella, house-made meatballs, red onion, and basil. Pictured: small, $9.
There’s a pizzeria mini chain in the heart of Manhattan that I think doesn’t get enough attention or praise.* Part of the blame may lie in its unusual naming convention. I mean, did you know that the pizzerias Gruppo, Posto, Spunto, Vezzo, and Tappo are all related and are pretty much the same thing? I know! You’d think they would have settled on one name and stuck with it. (Think of the efficiencies gained by maintaining one single website!)
For the most part when we’ve done noodles in Chinatown, the ol’ lady and I have gone to Big Wong or Hong Kong Noodle Station. No more! Last night we went to Lam Zhou Handmade Noodles & Dumplings in the part of Chinatown just east of the Manhattan Bridge. Sure, that we were out in … Continue reading Lam Zhou Handmade Noodles & Dumplings
When: February 21 to March 21 Where: Max Lang Gallery, 229 Tenth Avenue, New York NY 10011 (b/n 23rd and 24th; map) Justin forwarded this exhibit info to me. Looks interesting. From the wankery art-speak press release: The artists in this unique exhibition are documenting and navigating this historic moment with open eyes and bold … Continue reading Art: ‘China Now, The Edge of Desire’