Adrienne’s Pizza Bar — or is it Pizzabar? I don’t know. Regardless, it’s making one of the best grandma/nonna pizzas in NYC today. Of course at Adrienne’s, they call it the “old fashioned.” Whatever. All you need to call it is DELICIOUS. I don’t get to Adrienne’s often enough, because it’s a bit much to … Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: Adrienne’s Pizza Bar
My #weeklypizzalunch/#Kubslunch this week was with my friend and former MSLO colleague Jennifer Jarett at Marta, Danny Meyer’s new Roman-style pizzeria in the “NoMad” neighborhood’s Martha Washington Hotel. The mushroom pizza here is OFF THE HOOK — if people still say that (I don’t think they do). I’d almost consider adding chanterelles to my own … Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: Marta
I’ve probably eaten slices from Rose & Joe’s more than from anywhere else, and I can say from considerable experience that an edge (but not a corner), on a plate, no reheat is the way to go. It loses something in the reheat, and in fact is best somewhere between warm and not-straight-out-of-the-oven hot. I … Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: Rose & Joe’s Italian Bakery
[via Instagram] Tufino is one of the few places in NYC making naturally leavened wood-fired pizza. I love Tufino, but I’m also a bit jealous. For years I’ve been saying that Astoria could use a good wood-oven joint. I’d even secretly thought of opening one myself. But, well, look what happens when you don’t act … Continue reading #weeklypizzalunch: The Nonna at Tufino in Astoria
Given how close my office is to Don Antonio by Starita (a five-minute walk), I don’t know why I don’t eat here more often. The pizza is great. Like Kesté, its sister pizzeria in Greenwich Village, this place is über Neapolitan. (Though I will say that the topping choices are a lot more expansive than … Continue reading Weekly Pizza Lunch: The Pistacchio e Salsiccia pie at Don Antonio by Starita
I’m combining two Weekly Pizza Lunch outings into one here. That’s because they’re practically the same place. —The Mgmt.
Vezzo’s Meatball Classic pizza: tomato sauce, mozzarella, house-made meatballs, red onion, and basil. Pictured: small, $9.
There’s a pizzeria mini chain in the heart of Manhattan that I think doesn’t get enough attention or praise.* Part of the blame may lie in its unusual naming convention. I mean, did you know that the pizzerias Gruppo, Posto, Spunto, Vezzo, and Tappo are all related and are pretty much the same thing? I know! You’d think they would have settled on one name and stuck with it. (Think of the efficiencies gained by maintaining one single website!)
Totonno’s serves one of the better coal-oven pizzas in NYC. A plain pizza from just after the joint’s triumphant post-Sandy reopening.
You know, you’re not going to go wrong adding toppings to a Totonno’s pizza, but when the joint is firing on all cylinders, like it was when I visited yesterday, you only need a plain pie for a satisfying meal.
Claire and I had dinner at the Queens Kickshaw for the first time last night. Preliminary report: great stuff. But what I want to draw your attention to is the fact that they have sparkling water on tap there — and it’s free.
Yes! We hadn’t yet tasted the food and already I loved this place.
Complimentary soda water. On tap. How often have you had that at a restaurant? It’s a small luxury that probably costs the Queens Kickshaw pennies.* Very classy — and smart. That cost is probably recouped a thousand times over from a customer loyalty standpoint. Continue reading “Sparkling water on tap, a simple luxury at the Queens Kickshaw”
This photo is part of my attempt to take at least one photograph a day in 2011. Inspired by SE’r PoorOldMama, we declared January 8 International Serious Eats Day and tried to spark a series of distributed, autonomous meet-ups of SE’rs across the U.S. and around the world. At the NYC meet-up at Radegast Hall … Continue reading 1/8/2011: Accidental creepiness
To say that this is not the most glamorous Date Night would be an understatement, but Claire had a craving for Mexican. We tossed around the idea of doing Taco Night at home with a box-taco mix, but we were slow getting out of the house. So down to the local Chinese Mexican place we … Continue reading 1/7/2011: Date night at Fresca Tortilla
The Space Between: New Camera, originally uploaded by Adam Kuban. This is the first “Space Between” photo taken with our new Canon S90. It’s a great little camera. Continue reading The Space Between: New Camera
For the most part when we’ve done noodles in Chinatown, the ol’ lady and I have gone to Big Wong or Hong Kong Noodle Station. No more! Last night we went to Lam Zhou Handmade Noodles & Dumplings in the part of Chinatown just east of the Manhattan Bridge. Sure, that we were out in … Continue reading Lam Zhou Handmade Noodles & Dumplings
The production was pretty cool. With video projections and what not. The militaristic set—I think the Times described it as “equal parts abbatoir, hospital, and dungeon”—reminded me a lot of the Stargate planet Kelowna and the Stargate Atlantis civilization of the Genai—both militaristic people using technology and design reminiscent of the ’40s. Everything happened on … Continue reading On Seeing ‘MacBeth’ with Patrick Stewart
When: February 21 to March 21 Where: Max Lang Gallery, 229 Tenth Avenue, New York NY 10011 (b/n 23rd and 24th; map) Justin forwarded this exhibit info to me. Looks interesting. From the wankery art-speak press release: The artists in this unique exhibition are documenting and navigating this historic moment with open eyes and bold … Continue reading Art: ‘China Now, The Edge of Desire’